Terms and Conditions
I hereby apply for membership of Hilton Park Golf Club and agree to abide by the Terms & Conditions of Membership, as outlined below and as contained within the Constitution and Bye-Laws (a copy of which can be obtained from the Office or found on the Club Website)
- Applying for Membership
In order to become a member, you must submit your completed application form to the Office or complete the online application form. Please note that Hilton Park Golf Club reserves the right to reject an application.
- Membership
a) The Clubs subscription year runs from 1st March until the end of February of the following year and Membership affords the holder the appropriate Membership benefits and privileges which are relevant to their category, for the duration of the period of Membership.
b) The Club reserves the right to amend member benefits without prior notice.
c) Your Membership will commence on the day that the Office provide you with your Membership number, access to the online tee booking software and any other relevant information.
d) Your Membership contract will commence on the date as noted in Clause 2c above and will run until the end of February of the following year, or for a longer period if this has been agreed in writing with the Club.
e) All subsequent Membership Renewals are offered on an annual basis and for the full period of the Clubs subscription year, as outlined in clause 2a above.
f) The Club does not offer a Membership Renewal term which is shorter than 12 months and by 1st March of each year, members are invited to renew their Membership for a subsequent period of 12 months.
g) Any member who has not provided notice of Termination of Membership in line with Clause 4 below, will be deemed to have duly renewed their Membership for the following subscription year.
- Payment Methods
The Club can accept payment by cash, cheque, bank transfer, credit/debit card or by direct debit. Anyone paying by bank transfer must state full name as reference.
- Payment in Full
Upon a Member making a single payment in full, their annual subscriptions will be deemed to have been settled for the relevant subscription year as noted in Clauses 2a), 2d), 2e) and 2f) above.
- Payment by Direct Debit
- The direct debit facility allows members to settle their Membership subscriptions by monthly instalments.
- An applicable monthly payment schedule will be detailed on page 2 of the Members Subscription Invoice. The Member agrees to settle the monthly instalments, via direct debit, until the subscription and any other relevant fees as detailed on the subscription invoice have been settled in full.
- If a surcharge for the direct debit facility exists, this will be detailed separately on Page 2 of the subscription invoice.
- It is expressly provided for that the club does not offer a monthly rolling membership. All Membership terms fall in line with 2a), 2d) 2e) and 2f) above and all scheduled direct debit payments must be met, before the subscriptions will be classed as settled.
- Missed Direct Debit Payments
- Should a direct debit fail to collect, the Office will contact the Member to discuss.
- In the circumstance of Clause 3.3 a), the Club reserves the right to deem the Member to be in default until the relevant payment has been received.
- Members classed as being in default may be refused access to the Club and its’ facilities until all outstanding sums are settled. This may include removal of access to the online booking system and/or suspension of handicap. This does not mean that we will end your membership.
- Should the Member fail to settle the missed direct debit by the 30th of the month, the Club reserves the right to apply a late payment fee of £10.
- If the outstanding amount remains unpaid after a period of 60 days, the Club reserves the right to refer any missed payments, including any future payments that are due as part of your contract, to a debt collection agency.
- Termination of Membership
- Members wishing to give notice of their intention to end their membership, must do so prior to the 1st March.
- Notice can be given by email to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Provided that the Member is not deemed to be in default, the Member can enjoy full membership privileges until the conclusion of the subscription year in line with Clauses 2a), 2d), 2e) and 2f) above, irrespective of at which point in the subscription year notice of intention to terminate was provided.
- Data Protection
We require to process your personal data in order to satisfy your membership contract. To facilitate the execution of certain member services, this includes listing your personal details including contact information within the private members database which is accessible by all members. We will comply with the applicable General Data Protection Regulations. A copy of the Clubs terms & conditions can be found by visiting: https://hiltonpark.net/terms-and-conditions.html
You have the right to withdraw the publishing of your contact and personal details by adjusting your preferences within the relevant Club Tee Booking and Membership software or by contacting