Frequently asked questions


Q - Is there a waiting list for Membership ?

A - There are currently no waiting lists in any of our categories for membership

Q - I do not have a proposer for my membership application

A - Currently, you do not need a proposer or seconder.

Q - Can I hire the clubhouse for a function ?

A - Any of our members can have free use of the clubhouse and its facilities for a private function (subject to availability). See the room hire policy. 

Q - How do I obtain a golf handicap ?

A - Return 3 18 hole cards or 6 9 hole cards or a combination of both totalling 54 holes .Cards to be marked by a member with a handicap. More information in club diary.

Q - Do you have golf clubs or golf shoes for hire ?

A - Yes, we have a limited number of sets of clubs for hire, but unfortunately no golf shoes for hire. Our Professional shop staff should be able to assist on most occasions.

Q - Can I use a golf buggy/cart on the course ?

A - The club has four golf carts that can be hired out to visitors at a cost of £30 per round, or £20 for members. You are welcome to use your own buggy assuming it meets the relevant requirements with regards to tread width etc. It will be necessary to complete the golf cart use policy. Golf cart use is subject to suitable weather conditions/ground conditions.

Q - How do I enter competitions ?

A - For club competitions you can enter through Howdidido when the competition becomes open for booking. For Open Competitions you should click on the Open Events Tab. Here you can view or download an information sheet and enter the appropriate open competition by clicking on the link.  

Q - Is there an entry fee for Juniors ?

A - No – there is no entry fee. In fact, Juniors under 13 are free with an Adult relative in any playing category. Please see Junior page for more information.