James Braid Courses
We are members of the Association of James Braid Courses. There are now over 300 member clubs. If you are a member of an associate club, you are welcome to play at Hilton Park. Tee times should be booked in advance by contacting the Professional Shop. Please be ready to produce your home club membership card.
Cost per round is £25 for weekdays and £30 at the weekend. There is no travel distance limit.
Get a list of the Association of James Braid Courses here (version February 2025)
Rules for visiting players
1. Tee reservations for a two, three or four ball must be made in advance (at least 24 hours), stating you are booking under the ‘Association of James Braid Courses’ scheme.
2. You will be required to provide proof of your home club to the Professional on your arrival. Either a handicap certificate or home club bar card which MUST show your name; a logo on your sweater is NOT acceptable.
3. Bookings will only be accepted based on Club’s tee availability and cannot be accepted with any other offer.
4. The green fee being charged is shown at the top of the page; green fees are valid for both ladies and gentlemen.
5. These rates are for members of member clubs only and NOT for a group/society. Groups trying to work the system by booking one four ball in one name, then another in another and then another - this is abusing the idea of the Association and will result in your booking(s) being refused. Please do not do this - See 6 below.
6. Certain clubs will accept bookings for away day/touring groups and these are signified by G followed by a number signifying the maximum number in a group at the green fee rates shown below. A full list of all participating clubs in this part of the scheme is shown at the on the list of clubs. Groups must be booked well in advance and all members must be members of an Association member club; other members of the group must pay the full green fee. The group organiser will be expected to provide proof of membership of member clubs.
Braid design information
James Braid was involved in the design, either originally or the re-design, of more than 400 courses. Information from the James Braid Golfing Society is available here
A book published in 2013, ‘James Braid and his Four Hundred Golf Courses’ is available from either:
Grant Books www.grantbooks.co.uk email
Verandah Books www.verandahbooks.co.uk email